Magical Creatures

These creatures came to existence by the use of magic, and it is a rule without exception. Even though their appearance may resemble animals, humans, or any other race, they only partially belong to the physical world.

The use of magic to create living beings had started at the Mage Guilds of Azimus, but the craft quickly spread among the circle of magicians elsewhere. The most prominent summoners and enchanters operate in Azimus, Darrensmithe, Darelia, and Gyllinia, where the forests are filled with various magical creatures of unknown and untracked origin.

Most of such creatures are being used for a specific purpose, such as fighting in a battle, but some are allowed a life on their accords, without having to obey their creators and follow their preassigned missions.

Noteworthy groups and individuals:


A crystal dragon brought to life by Brithe’s enchantment, out of a pile of rare red crystals. Not knowing anything about where she had been spawned and what anything stood for, she became the most curious creature in the world. 101 Star of Curiosity

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A dragon made out of rare red crystal, living in the Western Mines, where he spends time fantasizing about a mate with whom he could breed and create offspring. He doesn’t know who had brought him to life, but suspects being an accidental result of an enchantment. Spellcaster: 100 Star of Impregnable Will

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War Genies

Magical creatures capable of casting offensive and defensive spells during battle. They are the most prominent choice of Votexian Sorcerers. Spellcaster:

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The defenders of Azimus and Azimusian most valuable assets, the Titans cast lightning bolts and smash their foes with incredible raw power. The rumors say that they are in fact Giants infused with magic. Spellcaster:

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