Capable of hitting the target with an arrow from over a mile away, Hawagh is considered the most dangerous Lizard bowman. He stands on guard near Per, keeping a watchful eye on the uninvited strangers. 74 Star of Mother’s Cries
Capable of hitting the target with an arrow from over a mile away, Hawagh is considered the most dangerous Lizard bowman. He stands on guard near Per, keeping a watchful eye on the uninvited strangers. 74 Star of Mother’s Cries
Prone to unsparked violence, Quar easily finds a reason for a fight. He profoundly despises the Green Hordes and enjoys slaying orcs more than anything else in life. His physical strength has made him earn his spot in the Lizard’s ambiguous hierarchy. 73 Star of Brute Force
Concerned about his wellbeing so much that he doesn’t believe anyone anymore, not even his own kin, Maght decided that it would be best if he blindly followed the guidelines of his position at the guardpost as the Peryspian Crossroads. 72 Star of the Unbreakable Shield