Man with a Dwarf father and a human mother, serving as a diplomat between Darrensmithe and Nibur. He resides in Asyyn. 38 Star of Bonding Differences
Man with a Dwarf father and a human mother, serving as a diplomat between Darrensmithe and Nibur. He resides in Asyyn. 38 Star of Bonding Differences
Esoteric from Azimus, a long-time friend of Claude the Occultist. 99 Star of Ulterior Firmness
The keeper of the Monster’s Fins. An old mage and a longtime friend of Claude the Occultist. Spellcaster: 98 Star of the Amazing Rise
Microorganisms that make the sea surface reflective. They are found on the Quiet Sea, in the eastern Azimusian territories.