An admix of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal, used for explosives and weapons.
Hexagonal mudbrick that the Dwarves traditionally make and use as a basic element of their architecture. It is also a currency in Nibur, tradable for five gold coins per piece.
Mined in the Western Mountains, the rare red crystal is valuable and important for the breeding of Green Dragons.
One gold bar holds the same value as fifty gold coins. It is a fluctuating worldwide currency more common to the wealthy class and sailing expeditions who use it to pay for the ship supplies.
Gold coins are the main fluctuating currency of the world and the sole currency of Darrensmithe (along with gold bars, being only a larger denomination). Every nation tends to have its central mint that collects and melts the preassigned volumes of gold and presses the coins that usually feature symbols that represent their culture.