
Darrensmithe is an institutionalized monarchy that established its present-day borders with the conclusion of the Second Niburdarren War. It has population of around two million, with the majority being human.
The largest minority are Dwarves, with a hundred thousand residents, Gyllin with twenty thousand residents, Darelians with twelve thousand residents, and Carinians with six thousand residents. The others, amounting altogether to five thousand residents, come from many other countries.

Darrensmithe is ruled by the King, who acts as the sole decisionmaker and is fully responsible for the country’s economic and political state. The King, once accepting the Crown, abandons his first and family name, so that his identity gets never confused with anyone else. The use of that title, for that matter, is strongly prohibited and punishable by death in all of Darrensmithe.

The students of the Enlightened Order, after they complete they field of study, have to pledge an oath to the King during the Submission Ceremony usually performed at the Royall Hall.

There are four main regions of Darrensmithe, governed either by Mayors or Overseers.

Noteworthy residents:

Grand Lord Kirak

A noble Grand Lord loyal to Darrensmithe and known for his Sword of Soul’s Demise. He had earned the reputation of an honest justice seeker capable of making tough decisions, even if they meant serious consequences. Because he followed his heart and stood up for those in need of help, he made friends with the […]

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A scholar educated at the Libraries of the Enlightened Order and employed by the Royal Chamber of Scribers as Grand Lord Kirak’s henchman. His studies, carefully tailored by the renowned Master Scholar Elvinus, revolved around the crafts of reading and writing, as well as educating young people on Darrensmithe’s history. During his apprenticeship in Alabis,

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